Severe Thunderstorm Watch
When severe thunderstorms are possible:
- Watch the sky and listen to the radio or television for more information.
- Be prepared to take shelter.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning
When severe thunderstorms are occurring:
- Take shelter
- Turn on a battery operated radio or television to receive warning and severe weather statements.
Tornado Watch
When tornados are possible:
- Watch the sky and listen to the radio or television for more information.
- Be prepared to take shelter.
- If you see any rotating funnel-shaped clouds, report them immediately by telephone to your local law enforcement agency.
- If you live in a mobile home, this is the time to move to a more substantial structure.
Tornado Warning
When a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar:
- Take shelter.
- Turn on a battery operated radio or television and wait for the "ALL CLEAR" announcement by authorities.